What is a Business Intelligence Analyst?

Business Intelligence Analyst Explained


A Business Intelligence analyst is someone who assists managers in making informed business decisions in order to maximize or improve business. They look into a company’s data to mine for important factors and statistics that help understand performance and industry standing. An intelligence analyst is often part of the formulation and design of reports that can boost the business intelligence of the organization.

It is likely a business intelligence analyst would collect past and present data to establish trends in a company’s operation. The data can be used and analyzed with statistical software to develop an educated guess on the outcome of implementing certain business strategies based on similar data. The skill of an intelligence analyst would lie discovering an organizations strengths and weaknesses as well as competition and threats encompassing the organization.

An intelligence analyst is typically meticulous with details and is good at processing large amounts of data. They need to take this data and turn it into relevant information that an organization can use to make better business decisions. They can work independently or as part of a team. They need to understand the company’s processes to be effective. They may be hired from within the organization because some employers like to groom someone who is already familiar with the business landscape. If hired externally, it will be someone with familiarity of the industry of business they are interviewing for.

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